Matang Wildlife Centre – Day Trip 马当野生动物园一日游

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Package Summary :
Matang Wildlife Centre, 50 minutes from Kuching, is part of Kubah National Park and is Sarawak’s main centre for wildlife rehabilitation. The animals kept and being rehabilitated here
include the orangutan, sun bears, bear cats, civets, samba deer, barking deer, porcupines, crocodiles and many more, all of which can be viewed in spacious enclosures. Also included are several aviaries that house a variety of hornbills, cockatoos and owls.

Inclusive of:
Entrance Fee
English Speaking Guide
Return Transfers
* Pickup Time 0900Hrs / 1330Hrs

Optional Jungle Trek
Lunch at Matang Wildlife Centre, followed by a guided trek to Kubah National Park headquarters, passing through some of the most impressive rainforest scenery in Sarawak. Along the way, visitors will pass clear jungle waterfalls and fascinating plant species, including rare palms, orchids and pitcher plants.
*add on 3 hours

Additional Information
Tour Duration- 4 Hours


马当野生动物园距离古晋 50 分钟车程,是库巴国家公园的一部分,是砂拉越主要的野生动物康复中心。动物在这里饲养和康复 包括猩猩、马来熊、熊猫、果子狸、桑巴鹿、赤鹿、豪猪、鳄鱼等等,所有这些都可以在宽敞的围栏中观看。还包括几个饲养各种犀鸟、凤头鹦鹉和猫头鹰的鸟舍。





* 接送时间 早上9点 / 中午1点30分


在马当野生动物园享用午餐,然后 导游带领徒步前往库巴国家公园总部,途经一些砂拉越最令人印象深刻的热带雨林风光。 一路上,游客会经过清澈的丛林 瀑布和迷人的植物物种, 包括稀有的棕榈树、兰花和水罐植物。



游览时长 – 4 小时


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 Number ticket  × RM150.00
Total = RM300.00


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