  • merveilleux

        Day 1: KUL – ISTANBUL ARRIVAL – BOLU (L/D)
抵达伊斯坦堡 – 博鲁 (午/晚餐)

  • Istanbul City Walls | 伊斯坦堡城墙
  • Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Mosqu) | 蓝色清真寺 (苏丹艾哈迈德清真寺)
  • Hippodrome square | 竞技场广场
  • Hagia Sophia Mosque | 圣索菲亚清真寺
  •  Topkapi Palace Museum | 托普卡匹皇宫博物馆
  •  Grand Bazaar | 大巴扎
  • Dinner and overnight in Bolu | 在博鲁享用晚餐和过夜Day 2: Bolu – Ankara – Cappadocia Tour (B/L/D)
    博鲁 – 安卡拉 – 卡帕多西亚 (早/午/晚餐)
  • Ankara – capital of Turkey
  • Ataturk Mausoleum | 阿塔图尔克陵墓
  •  Salt Lake | 盐湖
  •  Dinner and overnight in Cappadocia | 在卡帕多西亚享用晚餐和过夜Day 3: Cappadocia (B/L/D)
    卡帕多西亚 (早/午/晚)
  •  Turkey’s handmade crafts | 土耳其的手工艺品
  •  Pigeon Valley | 鸽子谷
  •  Goreme Valley | 格雷梅谷
  •  Uchisar “castle” village | 乌奇萨 “城堡” 村
  •  Esentepe Hill and Fairy Chimneys Valley | 埃森特佩山和仙女烟囱谷

Day 4: Cappadocia – Konya – Pamukkale (B/L/D)
卡帕多西亚- 科尼亚 – 棉花堡 (早/午/晚)

  •  Ancient Caravanserai (Tepesi Delikhan) | 古老的 Caravanserai
  • Melvana Celaleddin-i Rumi | 梅夫拉那·鲁米 Ps: Tonight we will stay at Thermal Hotel, thermal spring water is a unique source of health that is rich in minerals and is available in an indoor & outdoor
    pool without any chemical processing. Our hotel is offering natural healing waters in a sterile and pleasant environment for your health and beauty. Using the pool service is complimentary for our guests.Day 5: Pamukkale – Selcuk – Izmir (B/L/D)
    棉花堡 – 塞尔丘克 – 伊兹密尔 (早/午/晚)
  •  Pamukkale (Cotton Castle) & Hierapolis Ancient City | 棉花城堡和希拉波利 斯古城
  •  Turkish Delight & Apple Tea | 土耳其软糖和苹果茶
  •  Leather outlet shopping center & fashion show | 皮革奥特莱斯购物中心和时
  •  Dinner and overnight in Izmir | 在伊兹密尔享用晚餐并过夜Day 6 Izmir – Istanbul – Airport
    伊兹密尔 – 伊斯坦堡 – 机场


1) Private tour Min. GV.2 per booking with English guide. 2) Non-refundable deposit of RM 1,500/Pax upon booking confirmation. 3) Daily departure. Ensure your flight schedule time, unutilized itinerary for arrival or departuretime, isNon-refundable. 4) 5 Nights’ 4+5* Accommodations. With daily Hot Breakfast. 5) Tipping for Driver, Guide RM280 /per Tour /per pax. 6) Tour packages are only applied for Malaysian passport holder. 7) Prices are quoted per person in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) & subject to change without prior notice. 8) Hotel rooms are subject to availability. If selected hotel unavailable, others similar accommodationwillbeprovided with different price apply (if any). 9) Hotel check in time 15.00 – onwards. Check out time 11.00. 10) Child fare: 100% of adult fare (Twin Share), 85% of adult fare (With Extra Bed), 75%of adult fare(WithoutBed). 11) Sequence of itinerary subject to local arrangement. 12) No services has been blocked under your favor, subject to availability upon your confirmation.




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 Number ticket  × RM6,498.00
Total = RM12,996.00


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