Matang Wildlife Centre + Kubah National Park | 马当野生动物园 + 库巴国家公园

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Package Summary :
The Matang Range that forms a scenic backdrop to Kuching is also the site of the Kubah National Park. Located within the park is the Matang Wildlife Centre, 50 minutes from Kuching, is Sarawak’s main centre for wildlife rehabilitation. An assortment of animals, some of which are endangered, can be viewed in spacious enclosures. Also included are several aviaries that house a variety of birds. Just 20 kilometers from the State capital, the park is a favorite destination for local day-trippers. Three sandstone mountains, Gunung Serapi, Gunung Selang and Gunung Sendok, can be seen from Kuching on clear days. Within the park’s 2,230 hectares, you can find a multiplicity of palms, so many different varieties that Kubah is known as “The World of Palms.” The dipterocarp forest, interspersed with patches of scrub and an unusually rich area of kerangas forest, is home to an assortment of animals. Popular with local people are the waterfalls and clear jungle streams where you can cool off after trekking through the jungle on well-marked paths.

Inclusive of:
Entrance Fee
English Speaking Guide
Packed Lunch
Return Transfers
*Pickup Time 0830Hrs

Additional Information
Tour Duration- 4 Hours


构成古晋风景秀丽背景的马当山脉也是库巴国家公园的所在地。位于公园内的马当野生动物中心距离古晋 50 分钟路程,是砂拉越野生动物康复的主要中心。宽敞的围场内可以观赏到各种各样的动物,其中一些是濒临灭绝的。还包括几个饲养各种鸟类的鸟舍。该公园距离州首府仅 20 公里,是当地一日游者最喜欢的目的地。在晴朗的日子里,从古晋可以看到三座砂岩山,涉拉比山、 Selang山 和 Sendok山。在公园 2,230 公顷的土地上,您可以找到多种多样的棕榈树,品种繁多,以致库巴被称为“棕榈树世界”。龙脑香林散布着灌木丛和异常丰富的巽他荒原森林,是各种动物的家园。深受当地人欢迎的是瀑布和清澈的丛林溪流,您可以在沿着标记清晰的小径徒步穿越丛林后乘凉。


*接送时间 0830Hrs


游览时长 – 4 小时


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 Number ticket  × RM352.00
Total = RM704.00


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