Kayaking : Danu village, Kampong Semadang 皮筏艇:达努村,Semadang村

  • kayaking_1

Package Overview:

After breakfast, depart for Kampong Bengoh – the launch point for the four-hour kayak tour along the Sarawak River and its tributaries. Having been briefed in the ways of your kayak and general safety, slide off along the river towards Danu village, with ample chance to soak up the sound of undisturbed jungle life as you paddle. Danu is home to around 50 Bidayuh families, Sarawak’s second- largest indigenous group. Access to the village is by a narrow suspension bridge – all vehicles are left outside. On reaching Danu, enjoy a traditional Bidayuh lunch before continuing along the river to Kampong Semadang, another Bidayuh village in the Sarawak River basin. Disembark and dry off before transferring back to Kuching where the remainder of the day is at leisure.

Inclusive of:
•English Speaking Guide
•Return Transfers
* Pickup Time 0900Hrs

Recommendations for Kayak Tour:
•Comfortable clothes
•Wet shoes
•Sun hat
•Insect repellent
•A change of clothes

Additional Information
Tour Duration- 7 Hours
* Kayaking starts at 11:00am daily (subject to weather & river conditions)
* Up to 4 hours of guided kayaking excursion


早餐后,出发前往文莪村——沿着砂拉越河及其支流进行四小时皮划艇之旅的出发点。在了解了您的皮划艇和一般安全的方式后,沿着河流向达努村滑行,您有足够的机会在划桨时沉浸在未受干扰的丛林生活中。达努 (Danu) 居住着大约 50 个比达友 (Bidayuh) 家庭,这是砂拉越第二大原住民群体。通过一座狭窄的吊桥即可进入村庄——所有车辆都停在外面。到达达努后,享用传统的比达友族午餐,然后继续沿河前往沙捞越河流域的另一个比达友族村庄 Kampong Semadang。下船并擦干身体,然后返回古晋,在那里度过余下的休闲时光。





* 取件时间 0900 小时










游览时间 – 7 小时

* 皮划艇每天上午 11:00 开始(视天气和河流状况而定)

* 长达 4 小时的皮划艇向导 短途旅行


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 Number ticket  × £48.88
Total = £97.76


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