6D5N Mono Italy Renaissance Tour 6天5晚 意大利文艺复兴之旅

  • Spezia

Day 1: Rome – City in the Sky – Florence [Wander through the treasure house of Renaissance history and art] 罗马-天空之城-佛罗伦萨 【徜徉于文艺复兴历史和艺术宝库】
Depart from Airport to Florence, the cradle of the renaissance, pass through Bellagio, visit the city in the sky written by Hayao Miyazaki, and then visit Ponte Vecchio, Plaza Mayor, Florence: The highest point – Piazzale Michelangelo, where you can climb up and overlook the whole city, it is also an excellent location to watch the sunrise and sunset. Under the shroud of the morning sun or sunset, the city of Florence glows with different brilliance.
羅馬機場出发前往文艺复兴的摇篮-佛罗伦萨,途径白露里治奥,游览宫崎骏笔下的天空之城,抵达佛罗伦萨后参观维奇 奥桥、市政广场、佛罗伦萨的最高点-米开朗琪罗广场,在这您登高俯瞰,全城的风景尽收眼底,也是观赏日出和日落的 绝佳位置,在朝阳或夕阳笼罩下,佛罗伦萨城焕发出不同的光彩。
Overnight: NH Florence or equivalent 4-star hotel 夜宿:佛罗伦萨 NH 酒店或同等 4 星级酒店

Day 2: Florence-Pisa-La Spezia【included Cinque Terre View by Cruise】佛罗伦萨-比萨-拉斯佩齐亚【乘游轮鉴赏五渔 村美景】
After breakfast, proceed to Pisa, visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Cathedral of Pisa, and the Piazza dei Miracoli. Set off for the Cinque Terre, take a luxury cruise along the Ligurian coastline and visit five beautiful fishing villages on the cliffs.
早餐后前往比萨,游览比萨斜塔,比萨大教堂,奇迹广 场。出发前往五渔村,乘坐豪华游轮沿利古里亚海岸 线,游览悬崖上的五座美丽渔村。
Overnight: NH La Spezia or equivalent 4-star hotel
夜宿:拉斯佩齐亚 NH 酒店或同等 4 星级酒店

Recommended items 推荐项目 (费用不含 optional tour)
Cinque Terre Specialty Meal 五渔村特色餐: Belforte
这家餐厅以迷人的景色。 酒店坐落在一个悬崖上,靠近 韦尔纳扎 Marina, 这家餐厅不仅是一个很特别的位置, 也提供了新鲜美味的海鲜。

Day 3: La Spezia-Venice【Water City Venice on Gentle Blue Waves】 拉斯佩齐亚-威尼斯【温柔碧波上的水城威尼斯】
Departure to Venice in the morning. After arriving in Venice, visit the main island of Venice, the Doge’s Palace, St. Mark’s Basilica, the Bridge of Sighs, the Grand Canal and other attractions. 上午出发前往威尼斯,抵达威尼斯后游览威尼斯主岛,总督宫,圣马可大教堂,叹息桥,大运河等景点。
Overnight: NH Venice or equivalent 4-star hotel
夜宿:威尼斯 NH 酒店或同等 4 星级酒店

Day 4: Venice【Time’s tribute to craftsmanship-Glass Island】
After breakfast, visit the small island of Venice, time to praise craftsmanship, visit the glass island of Venice, visit the colorful island of Venice, experience one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world – Venice Shipwreck Bookstore (Wreck Bookstore). 早餐后游览 威尼斯小岛,时光对手艺的礼赞,参观威尼斯的玻 璃岛,游览威尼斯彩色岛,感受别样风情(威尼斯 彩色岛),感受全球最美书店之一——威尼斯沉船
Overnight: NH Venice or equivalent 4-star hotel
夜宿:威尼斯 NH 酒店或同等 4 星级酒店

Day 5: Venice-Verona-Milan【Feel the poignant love written by Shakespeare and visit Milan, the fashion capital of the world】威尼斯-维罗纳-米兰【感受莎翁笔下的凄美爱情,游览世界时尚之都米兰】

After breakfast, go to Verona, visit Juliet’s former residence, feel the poignant love written by Shakespeare, go to Milan, photo stop of Milan Cathedral 早餐后前往维罗纳,游览朱丽叶故居,感受莎翁笔下的凄美爱情,前往米兰,米兰大教堂。
Overnight in Milan hotel or similar 4-star hotel 夜宿米兰酒店或同等级 4 星级酒店

*Milan is recognized as the capital of fashion and design, with world-class influence in business, industry, music, sports, literature, art and media. It is rich in cultural monuments and heritage, a vibrant nightlife and unique Italian cuisine.
*米兰被公认为时尚和设计之都,在商业、工业、音 乐、体育、文学、艺术和媒体方面具有世界级的影响 力。它拥有丰富的文化古迹和遗产、充满活力的夜生 活和独特的意大利美食。

Day 6: Milan – Departure Home 米兰 – 返家
Free for leisure, then pick up and transfer to Milan Airport for departure. 自由行动,然后接送到米兰机场并返家。





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